GOoPers Getting Nasty
The GOoPers are already at it with Nelson. Although the story itself is noteworthy, what is really telling is how the media treats this egregious behavior as "politics as usual" and rationalize that "both sides do it". But is that really true?
Here's what they're up to:
U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson predicted Republican attempts to oust him would get ugly as he seeks reelection next year."Nelson's Senate reelection campaign could become nasty".
But even Nelson was caught off guard when told a Republican group was questioning whether he would be easy on sexual predators simply because he appeared with Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in historically black Eatonville, Fla.
After the appearance, the National Republican Senatorial Committee posted items on its website asking ''Nelson Campaigns With Obama -- Does He Agree With Obama's Record Of Lenience On Sexual Predators?'' and ''Does Nelson Agree With Obama's Refusal To Support Commonsense Measures To Keep Children Safe?'' The site then listed votes Obama made as a state senator on issues like sex offenders, pornography and adult businesses near schools.
The fact that Republicans in Washington and Florida are already rushing out attacks against Nelson 16 months before the election is a sign that they see him as beatable.
The media have become so cynical that very little fazes them anymore.
Yeah, Nelson supports sexual predators. What will they think of next ... heck I can't think of anything more stupid than that.
These folks are desperate.
Nelson is beatable. He will lose. And when he does, the last Democrat holding statewide office is gone. But I sure hope the Democrats can pay off that IRS payroll tax lien filed against the party. I think Scott Mattox instead of governor should run for chief financial officer of the state of Florida.
He supports sexual predators. Yeah, that will work.
But the point about the media not blasting those who dish out the dirt, they don't give you any extra credit for trying to be positive. So you might as well blast your opponent, but do so in a half-way believable way.
The Repubs won't be able to attack Nelson on any character issue, and they can try to attack him on certain votes, but since he votes with the Repubs so often, that may be tough to do.
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